Effective Ways to Find Property Buyers You Haven’t Tried

Effective Ways to Find Property Buyers You Haven’t Tried

Leads, prospects, potential buyers—whatever you call them, real estate buyer leads are the lifeblood of your business.

Without leads, your business is as good as dead. But the problem with today’s Realtors is that most of them have become too accustomed to the conventional lead generation tactics that they miss the opportunity to explore new avenues for lead generation.

Ask your Realtor what’s the best way to get quality leads, and you’ll probably hear one of these responses:

  1. Promote listings with Google ads
  2. Leverage social media paid advertising

Don’t get me wrong. These strategies work great at generating real estate leads and have been proven to drive results. But those aren’t the only strategies that work. In fact, they may not be the best options if you’re operating on a tight budget. In this article, we’ll discuss four unique, yet effective ways to find property buyers that you haven’t tried yet. 

1. Become a Zillow Premier Agent

Zillow is the largest real estate marketplace on the internet, making it the perfect place to find property buyers online, which is why many websites opt to use the Zillow API.

With more than 186 homes viewed per second on the platform, Zillow has become buyers’ favorite platform for hunting homes. But to close more deals on this platform, you’ll need to go the Premier way.

So what’s Zillow Premier Agent, and why do you need it?

Zillow Premier Agent is a program designed to help real estate professionals like you connect with buyers and sellers and close more deals. The program not only increases your visibility and outreach but also gives you other perks like featured placement in the Zillow Agent Finder and live connections with motivated buyers.

Once you begin to experience an influx of leads, you can use your CRM to manage these leads. The best CRMs for real estate come with inbuilt features to manage and nurture leads and some will even integrate directly with Zillow.

2. Review Public Records

Reviewing public records is one of the success strategies that Earl White—the co-founder of House Heroes Realty employs.

Here’s how it works. Sift through various public records to identify potential buyers in your area. Then run their names in the local appraiser website to determine the number of properties they have purchased recently.

For example, focusing your search on highly active property buyers will enable you to compile a list of individuals or companies that are actively buying property. You can then present yourself as an active seller and look to build relationships with them. You never know, they might give you a call when looking for their next investment property. 

3. Use BoldLeads

Generating buyer leads for real estate can be labor-intensive.

For example, it takes time and effort to build relationships that will lead to purchases. This may hinder you from doing what you do best; selling property. But with platforms like BoldLeads, you’ll be able to capture exclusive buyer leads within no time.

So how does BoldLeads work?

BoldLeads creates targeted ads on platforms like Facebook. Once a potential buyer clicks on the ad, they’re taken to a landing page where they enter their contact information in exchange for similar listings of local homes available for sale. Once they submit the form, you get an email notification, and you can take it from there.

4. Look Out for Bandit Signs

Bandit signs are a valuable source of buyer leads, and you’re likely to find them in almost every neighborhood.

All of the “we buy houses” or “closes in 7 days” signs are potential buyers for your next deal. Better still, these signs come complete with contact information—name, phone number, and email, so all you need is to pick up your phone and call.

Got more tips for generating real estate buyer leads? Share with us in the comments section below.


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