SetSchedule’s Top Tips for a Successful Home Sale

SetSchedule’s Top Tips for a Successful Home Sale

Congratulations! You’ve found a great real estate agent to partner with, and you’ve gone through the process to get your home listed. While your agent will do most of the work to sell the home, you will still be an active participant in this process. Real estate technology company SetSchedule has some tips to help.

Listen to Your Agent

First and foremost, you should pay attention to any advice from your real estate agent. Whether they contacted you through SetSchedule’s lead generation service or you connected some other way, they know how to sell homes, and they know about your local market. They’ll probably give you a list of action items, such as minor repairs you should make and steps you should take to “stage” your home for potential buyers.

Have a Plan to Get Out of the House

One of the more inconvenient aspects of selling your house is that, if you are still living in the home during the sale, you may frequently have to leave at short notice so an agent can show your home to prospective buyers.

During the coronavirus pandemic, this has been a bigger challenge than ever before. Depending on the level of lockdown in your area, you may not be able to simply go work at a coffee shop or wander the mall until you can return home.

As such, SetSchedule recommends that you develop a specific plan of what you can do when you need to vacate your house. If you’re in a quarantine pod with other families, see if any of them can accommodate you and your family on short notice during the home selling process. Find a nearby parking lot where you can settle in and read a book in your car. If the weather allows, find a park where you can enjoy some fresh air.

Know What You’re Willing to Do to Sell Your House

Potential home buyers will make a variety of requests when they put in an offer on your home. They might want certain repairs and improvements to be made, they might ask for the major appliances to stay with the house, they may ask you to repaint rooms. Your agent may have already pointed out some potential requests that you should expect.

Decide ahead of time what you are and are not willing to do in order to make a sale. You may, for instance, see your home as a “fixer upper” and not have the ability or inclination to make any repairs or home improvements for the sale. On the other hand, you may be happy to include the major appliances, if your new home already has appliances or you want an excuse to upgrade.

If you are willing to make repairs and improvements, this is another area where you can plan ahead. Find a general contractor or any specialists you may need in order to make repairs that you can’t complete yourself. Consider getting an estimate ahead of time so you have an idea of how much these tasks would cost, and compare that against the potential increase or decrease in sales price based on whether or not you complete them.

SetSchedule Wants You to Succeed

Selling your home can be a stressful but ultimately rewarding prospect. The team at SetSchedule wishes you good luck.


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