How to Get Citizenship of Dominica: The Most Convenient Ways

How to Get Citizenship of Dominica: The Most Convenient Ways

Explore Dominica citizenship for a prestigious Caribbean passport granting added rights. Learn about remote application procedures and valuable investment benefits. Insights from International Wealth experts.

Dominica citizenship offers a prestigious Caribbean passport. Possessing citizenship in this jurisdiction guarantees foreign individuals the right to acquire a second passport, which bestows additional rights and freedoms.

How can one apply for Dominica citizenship? Is it possible to undergo the procedures remotely and swiftly? Why would a foreign individual need a second passport through investment in Dominica in the first place? These questions were unraveled by leading experts in investment migration from International Wealth.

Legal Ways to Obtain Dominica Citizenship

The right to obtain a passport and citizenship of Dominica is granted to individuals in the following cases:

  • Birth: Any person born in the considered country to parents with Dominica citizenship automatically becomes a citizen of that state at the moment of birth. Children born on the considered island to foreign citizens (excluding employees of foreign diplomatic missions: embassies, consulates) are eligible to register in the local registry to obtain a Dominica passport and citizenship.
  • Inheritance/Descent: Individuals born abroad to parents who held Dominica citizenship at the time of birth can also become citizens of the Caribbean jurisdiction.
  • Legal Adoption: Any individual under the age of eighteen who is adopted by a citizen of the Caribbean country in accordance with the law acquires Dominica citizenship.
  • Naturalization: Foreign-born citizens who have resided in the considered country for a minimum of five years (spending the majority of each year there) are eligible to apply for Dominica citizenship and, consequently, the right to obtain a Caribbean passport. A residency permit will be required to initiate the naturalization process.
  • Marriage/Residency: Individuals married to a holder of Dominica citizenship are eligible to apply for a passport and citizen status after residing on the island for three years (during the accelerated naturalization period, applicants must remain married and reside on the Caribbean country’s territory on lawful grounds, having obtained permanent residency).
  • Dominica Economic Citizenship Program: Foreign nationals can opt for this option by making a one-time non-refundable contribution or purchasing real estate, granting them the right to Dominica’s economic citizenship and a second Commonwealth passport.

Advantages of Dominica Citizenship

1. Diversification of Risks with Dominica Citizenship

One of the key drivers behind the demand for a second passport is the desire not to rely solely on one country (referring to the historical homeland). Financial professionals understand the importance of diversification. 

This strategy encompasses not only markets, asset classes, and industries, but also citizenship, addressing political, economic, and similar risks. 

A second passport can provide the advantages of economic and political diversification, forming the basis of an optimal contingency plan.

2. Freedom of Travel

Another common reason to obtain a Dominica passport and citizenship is the aspiration to make international travel more convenient and confidential. If the native country’s government faces external policy challenges, even a reputable and wealthy businessperson or high-ranking government official may encounter difficulties organizing international trips due to visa restrictions. 

With a Dominica passport and citizenship, there’s no need to pre-arrange tourist visas for travel to the European Union and the European Schengen Area, the United Kingdom (even after Brexit), and other corners of the world. 

Whether you want to upgrade your passport and immigrate to another country without the toxic identification document of your homeland, attend a wedding ceremony abroad, participate in a business meeting in London, vacation in Switzerland, seek medical treatment in a European hospital, Dominica citizenship becomes an excellent support.

3. Stable and Convenient (Through Investment Citizenship Application)

The Dominica citizenship through investment program is one of the oldest projects of its kind available today. Decades of reforms have increased the efficiency of procedures. There’s no need to demonstrate proficiency in the local language. 

Furthermore, the service of passport renewal is provided remotely. Applicants can submit their application directly to an overseas authorized institution (diplomatic mission) or use the services of a migration agent.

4. Permanent and Full Citizen Status Passed to the Next Generation

Successful candidates have the ability to secure permanent Dominica citizenship, and citizens of this Caribbean country have the right to pass on this status to their children.

5. Dominica Dual Citizenship

The initial citizenship remains (the passport of the historical homeland). The application for Dominica citizenship through investment is carried out with 100% confidentiality (the names of candidates who have successfully obtained citizenship and a passport are not disclosed by authorities). 

This circumstance is a plus for citizens of states with bans on dual citizenship. The Caribbean country’s government has even allowed changing names in accordance with the law on name change.

6. World-Class Passport with an Excellent Reputation

Holders of a Caribbean country’s passport can apply for a U.S. visa, expecting a 10-year B1/B2 visa issuance. A citizen of a Caribbean country within the Commonwealth also has the ability to streamline the process of obtaining a business visa or residency in many other Commonwealth countries (e.g., Canada / Australia).

7. Access to the so-called Caribbean Schengen

A passport from a Caribbean jurisdiction provides expanded opportunities for those wishing to reside or work in any country within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), including Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, CARICOM allows for the free movement of goods, services, and people across the borders of member states.

Requirements for obtaining Dominica citizenship

Foreign individuals aiming for Dominica citizenship are required to fulfill a set of additional requirements related to reputation, sources of funds, and health status:

  • Lack of criminal convictions for potential Dominica citizenship holders: The local government engages international detective agencies to conduct comprehensive checks on applicants over 16 years old. Only candidates with no criminal record are eligible to obtain Dominica citizenship.
  • Disclosure of health status: To obtain Dominica citizenship, an applicant is obligated to complete a health declaration, including an original medical examination report containing basic information (height, body weight, blood, urine, etc.).
  • Sources of funds: Candidates applying for Dominica citizenship through investments are required to provide the government with a form detailing their wealth accumulation, sources of income, assets, and liabilities.

Dominica citizenship offers a gateway to a prestigious Caribbean passport, providing additional rights and freedoms. The program is a legacy, transferable to future generations, while maintaining the advantages of dual citizenship. 

The passport’s excellent reputation grants access to global opportunities, including the U.S. visa program and the Caribbean Schengen. 

The requirements for obtaining Dominica citizenship involve a clean criminal record, disclosing health status, and demonstrating the sources of funds. Dominica citizenship is an investment in a brighter, more secure future!


Dominica citizenship stands as a testament to the allure of a brighter, more secure future. With its prestigious Caribbean passport, valuable investment benefits, and a legacy that can be passed down through generations, Dominica offers a pathway to new horizons. The opportunities for economic and political diversification, enhanced travel, and global connectivity make Dominica citizenship a wise choice for those seeking to broaden their horizons.


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