Understanding The 3 Types Of Water Damage

Understanding The 3 Types Of Water Damage

Water damage is a common incident in many residential and commercial buildings. Anywhere from faulty pipes to natural disasters can cause water damage. Flooding water can also result in significant damage to your property. 

Standing water for a prolonged period in your house or office can initiate the growth of mold and mildew. If water is left still for several days or even just a few hours, it can result in severe mold damage

However, flooding and water damage can result in huge losses and hazards. Thus, it’s critical to take the necessary steps to clean and repair your property if water damage occurs due to floods or other causes.

In this article, we will discuss the three major types of water damage and what you can do to prevent them. So, go ahead and find out what they are!

1. Clean Water Damage Or Category 1

Clean water damage is the most straightforward type to deal with and the least serious, according to the IICRC. Clean water damage typically results from damaged fixtures, such as overflowing sinks and bathtubs, damaged water supply lines, or burst pipes. 

It can also include a sprinkler system that isn’t working correctly, melting snow, or precipitation.

Category 1 water damage is considered clean since it presumably contains few hazardous microorganisms and comes from a somewhat hygienic or natural source.

Most goods damaged in category 1 accidents can be dried quickly and readily without negative long-term implications.

However, clean water removal must be done correctly, or youโ€™ll risk developing mold and mildew.

How To Deal With Clean Water Damage?

Since clean water does not pose severe damage, it is easy to deal with.

Most professionals first examine the situation, followed by removing the water and thoroughly drying off the space.

Clean water does not contain any germs. Thus, the process is less complicated than it would be in circumstances with more severe conditions.

However, along with experts, you should investigate your home or office properly to see if any hidden places need water damage repair.

To detect if water has gotten into these areas, check the padding underneath the carpet and the gaps under the floors. If you find water, the technicians will set up fans in the impacted areas to ensure everything has dried up.

So, if your property suffers from clean water damage, call the Minnetonka water damage restoration company to get a free estimate today!

2. Grey Water Damage Or Category 2

Grey water comes from an unclean source or water that has gone unchecked for a long time. It might be water from the toilet, washing machine, or other unsanitary places.

This damage is fairly unhygienic as it contains biological or chemical risks such as blood, hazardous chemicals used for washing, and urine. Thus, grey water may make people feel ill or irritated if they ingest or touch it.

If your property has suffered category 2 water damage, the debris and chemicals in the grey water may be toxic. Thus, removing any grey water-damaged items and thoroughly disinfecting them is necessary.

Cleaning category 2 water damage requires the use of gloves. It aids in preventing diseases from spreading by protecting your skin from getting into contact with dirty water.

Also, do not let your pets or young children near this water damage.

How To Deal With Grey Water Damage?

The water of category 2 damage is extremely polluted. Hence, ensure that the afflicted items, such as carpets, are cleaned and disinfected after drying. You must disinfect impacted objects using an anti-microbial spray and HEPA vacuuming.

Also, keep your skin covered if you wish to begin the restoration before the service team shows up. It will reduce the chance of greywater exposure to your body and other areas of the building.

Besides, you can significantly reduce the damage if your main wastewater line has a backflow valve. Closing it will prevent water damage caused by a sewage backup. However, it must be checked and tested regularly by a professional.

3. Black Water Damage Or Category 3

The most dangerous kind of water damage comes from black water. It is the most severe type of water damage that calls for immediate intervention to reduce major health concerns.

It frequently occurs after a natural catastrophe or untreated sewage. Along with sewage and rising floodwaters, black water includes water from oceans, rivers, and underground.

It is mainly contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, pathogens, and other dangerous biological and chemical microorganisms.

However, the water damage that seems black may not be black. Black water includes a variety of undiscovered toxins. Fixing this kind of water damage is not something you should do on your own.

How To Deal With Black Water Damage?

You must remove a large number of goods and materials from the space. All damaged decorative items, including insulation, hardwood floors, drywall, carpet padding, pillows, and upholstery, should be taken out.

Besides, after drying, your property will also require extensive cleaning. Ensure to disinfect impacted appliances through HEPA vacuuming and using an anti-microbial spray.

Get in touch with a professional restoration company if your house has suffered from black water damage. They have the right tools to deal with this category of water damage that will keep you and your family safe from potential hazards.

The professionals will first get rid of any sewage waste and standing water. Then, they will completely dry the area using dehumidifiers and air movers. Once dried, anything in contact with the black water will be sterilized.

Wrapping Up

There are several causes of water damage. However, certain forms of water are more likely to cause harm than others. Clean water damage is the easiest to handle.

However, getting a sump pit drainage system consisting of a discharge pipe, a sump pit, and a sump pump can help remove grey or dark water effectively.

The pump moves the water to a safe area. In contrast, the sump pit built into the basement floor gathers water from the weeping tiles around the basement, restoring the damage.

However, routine checks and maintenance will guarantee that the sump pump continues to function correctly. It will help reduce grey and black water damage significantly.


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