Travel in a Cup of Coffee: Geographical Discoveries and Taste Adventures

Travel in a Cup of Coffee: Geographical Discoveries and Taste Adventures

Coffee is not just a drink–it’s a whole world of tastes, aromas, and cultural traditions. This exquisite drink brings constant pleasure and a unique experience to our lives. Imagine that each cup of coffee is a small journey around the globe, where each sip reveals new geographical patterns. On this exciting journey, we will be able to look behind the scenes of the coffee industry, explore its geographical features, and plunge into the world of amazing taste adventures.

World leaders in the coffee market: Coffee exporting countries

The global coffee market is one of the most dynamic and diverse sectors of agriculture. Every year, millions of tons of coffee are grown, processed, and exported from all over the world, making this drink one of the most popular and sought-after globally. Coffee-exporting countries play an important role in shaping the global coffee market and determining its dynamics, quality, and prices.

About 70 countries grow coffee, so let’s take a closer look at a few of the world’s coffee market leaders and their contributions to the industry:

  • Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world, according to statistics. It is interesting to note that the climatic conditions of this country are even better suited for growing coffee trees than in Ethiopia, which is considered the birthplace of coffee. Brazilian coffee is known for its high quality and varieties, such as Arabica and Robusta. The coffee industry plays a key role in the Brazilian economy. It provides thousands of jobs and brings huge revenues to the country.
  • Colombia is one of the leading producers and exporters of coffee in the world market. Due to the climate and soil in the regions where it is grown, Colombian coffee is distinguished by its high quality and unique taste. Coffee exports generate significant revenue for Colombia’s economy and are a key element of its agricultural sector.
  • Vietnam in recent decades has become one of the largest producers and exporters of robusta in the world. Robusta is considered less capricious to grow compared to Arabica. Therefore, it has become the main cultivated plant in a number of regions of Vietnam due to the suitable climate and soil conditions. Robusta exports generate significant revenue for the Vietnamese economy and are an important source of employment for many local residents.
  • Costa Rica is known for its high-quality coffee, which is popular among coffee connoisseurs around the world. The country is an important exporter of Arabica coffee, and many of its farms specialize in growing and processing premium coffee. Coffee exports play a significant role in Costa Rica’s economy and contribute to the development of the agricultural sector.
  • Kenya is also a leading producer and exporter of high-quality Arabica coffee. Kenyan coffee has vibrant fruity and floral notes, making it highly sought after in the global market.

It is important to note that the unit of coffee production is a 60kg bag. This standard originated in Brazil, which had long been a major exporter of coffee beans and used such bags to transport its products. Therefore, 60 kg bags have become the world standard for measuring coffee production and trade.

But it is worth noting that in this context, we are talking exclusively about coffee production and not about the volume of its exports. Many coffee beans are consumed within producing countries, so it is not entirely correct to compare production and exports.

According to 2020 data from the International Coffee Organization, approximately 169.6 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee were produced worldwide. These data are important for assessing the total volume of coffee production in the world and its dynamics.

What is a coffee bean belt?

The coffee bean belt is the area on the planet where coffee plants grow due to the suitable climatic conditions required for their cultivation. This belt is located approximately from 25° to 30° in the northern and southern latitudes.

The main characteristics of the coffee bean belt include a moderately humid climate, high temperatures, and average daylight hours. Under these conditions, coffee plants can grow successfully and produce high-quality fruit.

The coffee bean belt spans many countries in Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands. Each of these countries has its own unique coffee growing conditions and produces coffee varieties with different flavor and aroma characteristics.

Examples of countries from the coffee grain belt are Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and others. They provide a variety of rich coffees to the world market.

The Coffee Belt is not only where the best coffee grows, but also where you can enjoy stunning scenery. After all, coffee plantations are located in the most picturesque places.

Cultural preferences: Which countries drink the most coffee, and in what form?

Coffee is most often drunk in countries where it is an integral part of culture and everyday life. For example:

  • Finland: Finns are among the most active coffee consumers in the world. They prefer to drink this invigorating drink in the form of filtered or Turkish coffee, as well as espresso.
  • Sweden: In Sweden, coffee is also very popular, especially during the colder months. Here, they prefer to drink it in the form of espresso, cappuccino, or latte.
  • Norway: Norwegians also love coffee and consume large quantities of it in the form of a filter or espresso.
  • Denmark: Coffee also plays an important role in everyday life in Denmark. Both traditional types and modern drinks, such as flat whites or iced lattes, are popular here.
  • Netherlands: Coffee is also very common in the Netherlands and is drunk in various forms, from classic espresso to cold brew with milk or syrup.

These are just some examples of countries where coffee is a popular drink. Forms of coffee consumption may vary depending on the region and the preferences of the local population.

Valuable grains: Which Arabica is considered the most expensive, and where does it grow?

There are several types of Arabica. The price of this type of coffee depends on the quality, processing methods, and place of origin. However, one of the most expensive and prestigious types of Arabica is Guatemalan Antigua. It is considered one of the best coffee varieties in the world due to its rich taste, high quality, and unique aromatic characteristics. This coffee grows at altitudes between 1500 and 2000 meters above sea level in the Antigua region. It is famous for its favorable climate and volcanic soils.

In addition to Guatemala, other countries are known for their high-quality Arabica varieties and high coffee prices. These include Ethiopia (for example, Yemeni Mocha), Kenya (Kenya AA), Colombia (for example, Colombia Supremo), Costa Rica, Jamaica, and some others.

Kopi Luwak coffee is grown in several countries and is also one of the most expensive varieties in the world. This coffee is obtained from beans that go through the digestion process of a small animal called the Musang – known as the palm civet. Not everyone is ready to try such a non-standard, but exquisite coffee. However, for connoisseurs of coffee art, this becomes a real discovery. In some cases, the grains are collected from the wild so that animals can select the fruit themselves.

It is believed that the natural and most expensive Kopi Luwak coffee is produced on an industrial scale in Indonesia, the Philippines (also known as Cape Alamede), South India, and Vietnam (the Vietnamese name is Cà phê chồn). The cost of this coffee reaches around 550 euros / 700 dollars per kilogram, making it one of the most expensive coffees on the market.

Coffee-producing countries have special climatic conditions, soils, and growing methods, which make their coffee unique, expensive, and in demand in the world market.

Coffee rituals around the world

The coffee-drinking ceremony has its own unique rituals and customs in different countries. Here are some examples of such coffee drinking:

  • Türkiye: Here, coffee is prepared in a special container called cezve. Sugar and spices are added to the drink, which is served in small cups so that you can enjoy the special aroma of the drink.
  • Italy: Espresso and cappuccino are the most popular here. Espresso is prepared in a coffee maker, and cappuccino is prepared with steamed milk and milk foam on top.
  • Japan: In Japan, “pour-over” style coffee is prized. In this process, hot water is poured evenly through the coffee beans in a special filter cup. This makes the coffee rich and aromatic.
  • Ethiopia: In this country, the coffee-drinking ceremony is called “jebena.” Coffee is prepared in a traditional ceramic teapot with a long neck, which helps create the special taste and aroma of the drink.
  • Morocco: Moroccan coffee drinking often involves the invigorating drink combined with mint and spices such as cardamom. Coffee is served in glass cups with long handles.

These are just a few examples of coffee-drinking rituals. As you can see, each country has its own unique traditions and preferences for drinking coffee.

Discover the world of real coffee with HotSpot Coffee in Romania

Romania is a country rich in cultural heritage and magnificent traditions, one of which is the love of coffee. HotSpot Coffee is your reliable partner and supplier of excellent coffee throughout Romania. We offer only the best coffees, selected with special care for your taste. Our coffee beans are carefully selected and roasted to ensure you enjoy every cup.

HotSpot Coffee understands that everyone has their own preferences for coffee. That’s why we offer a wide range of coffee drinks, from intense espresso to delicate cappuccino and refreshing latte. We have coffee for every mood and moment in your life.

Moreover, HotSpot Coffee is the ideal partner for your business. We offer high-quality solutions for cafes, restaurants, offices, and other businesses where quality and attention to detail are valued.

Choose HotSpot Coffee and enjoy every cup of coffee, which will become an absolute pleasure and source of inspiration for you. Trust your coffee experience with HotSpot Coffee, and they will make it a truly unforgettable experience for you!


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