The Top Features to Look for in Rental Property Software for Small Landlords

The Top Features to Look for in Rental Property Software for Small Landlords

Did you know that the global property management software market size was valued at $4,473.3 million in 2022? This number will continue to increase in the coming years.

With the rise in demand for rental properties, managing them has become a daunting task for many landlords. This is where rental property software comes into play. It can simplify the process of managing rental properties.

However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. As a landlord, it is important to look for features that will meet your specific needs. Here are the top features to consider when selecting rental property software for small landlords.

Online Payment Processing

Look for rental property software that offers online payment processing. This feature allows tenants to pay their rent directly through the software. This makes it convenient and efficient for both parties.

It also eliminates the need for paper checks and reduces the risk of late or missed payments. This feature can also generate automatic reminders for upcoming payments. This makes it easier for tenants to stay on top of their rent.

Additionally, this payment option can provide a secure and reliable platform for financial transactions. This gives both landlords and tenants peace of mind.

Tenant Screening

As a landlord, it is important to have responsible and trustworthy tenants in your rental property. Tenant screening is a crucial feature to look for in rental property software. It helps you evaluate potential tenants based on their credit history, criminal background, and rental history.

Credit checks for landlords can also be done through this feature. This is to ensure that tenants have a good credit score. This will prove that they are financially capable of paying their rent.

With tenant screening, you can reduce the risk of potential issues with tenants. This will also help you make informed decisions about who to rent your property to.

Maintenance Tracking

Maintenance is a crucial aspect of property management. As a landlord, it can be difficult to keep track of maintenance requests. A property software that offers maintenance tracking can make this process more efficient.

Tenants can submit maintenance requests through the software. Landlords then can track them and assign tasks to the appropriate parties. This feature also allows for communication between tenants and landlords regarding updates.

Having a system in place for maintenance tracking can save time and money in the long run. It can help prevent small issues from turning into major problems.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Managing finances for rental properties can be time-consuming and complicated. It can be challenging to keep track of rent payments, expenses, and taxes. Software with accounting and bookkeeping features can simplify this process.

Look for software that can automatically generate financial reports. It should also be able to track income and expenses. It should also be able to handle tax calculations.

This will save landlords valuable time and reduce the risk of making errors in bookkeeping. It can also help with tax preparation and make it easier to file returns.

Mobile Accessibility

In today’s digital age, having access to information on-the-go is crucial. Look for rental property software that offers mobile accessibility. This will allow landlords to manage their properties from anywhere at any time.

With this feature, landlords can view important updates and reminders with their mobile devices. This adds convenience and flexibility to property management.

Moreover, tenants can also benefit from this feature. They can easily submit maintenance requests or pay their rent through the software using their mobile devices.

Marketing Tools

Marketing is an essential aspect of property management. It ensures that your property is visible and appealing to potential tenants. Rental property software that comes integrated with marketing tools can be a lifesaver.

Look for software that enables you to create and manage property listings. It should also be able to distribute them across multiple online platforms. Good software should also track the performance of these listings.

With the right marketing tools, landlords can minimize vacancies. They can also increase their revenue. This feature is beneficial for landlords who may not have a large marketing budget.

User-friendly Interface

The software should be easy to use, even for landlords who are not tech-savvy. A user-friendly interface ensures that you can navigate through different features. This eliminates the need for extensive training.

A user-friendly interface can save time and minimize potential errors in using the software. This makes it easier to manage multiple properties and handle various tasks efficiently.

Reading user reviews or trying a demo of the software can give you insights into its user-friendliness. It can also help you determine if the software is suitable for your needs.

Reliable Customer Support

Reliable customer support is a must-have feature. No matter how sophisticated a software is, you may encounter issues or have questions about its operations. A software company that offers robust support can help you resolve any issues quickly.

Ensure the software provider offers quality customer support around the clock. This is to help you when you need it the most.

Moreover, check if the software provider offers training resources. This is to help you understand and utilize the software effectively.


As your rental property business grows, your needs will change, too. The software you choose should be scalable. It should be capable of growing with your business.

This means that it should be able to handle an increase in the number of properties and tenants. It should also be equipped to handle additional features or integrations as your business expands. Scalability ensures that you don’t have to switch to a new software down the line.


Given the sensitivity of the data managed by rental property software, strong security measures are a must. The software should offer features like data encryption and two-factor authentication.

It should also have secure cloud storage to ensure your information is protected. The software provider should have strict security protocols to prevent data breaches.

Must-Have Tools for Rental Property Software for Small Landlords

Choosing the right rental property software for small landlords can simplify property management. It can save time, reduce risks, and increase revenue. When looking for software, be sure to consider the features mentioned above.

With the right software, landlords can focus on growing their business while meeting their tenants’ needs. So don’t hesitate to do some research and invest in rental property software that meets your specific needs. The benefits will be worth it in the long run!

If you’d like to learn more, check out our articles on a range of topics to keep you informed.


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