Buying The Perfect Condo: A Comprehensive Inspection Guide

Buying The Perfect Condo: A Comprehensive Inspection Guide

Buying a condo is a big decision, of course!

You need to put a lot of thought into where you’re going to live – scanning the preferred neighborhoods and checking several condos to find the perfect one.

In all the excitement, don’t be too quick to make your decision!

Your hunt for the perfect condo is far from over until you have done a comprehensive inspection of the shortlisted options.

An inspection becomes all the more important when purchasing a pre-owned condo. A thorough inspection can reveal flaws you might have overlooked at a cursory glance. 

Here’s a detailed guide explaining which aspects you must inspect before booking your condo.

General Condition 

If you’re looking at newly constructed Toronto condos for sale, there might not be any glaring defects. But if the condo is up for resale, you should double-check for signs of mold or internal leaks. 

The owner must have refurbished it for sale. So it’s unlikely that you’ll find clear signs like peeling paint or stains on the flooring and walls. 

Carefully observe the walls and the ceiling. Look for subtle indications. 

A foul smell in a particular area could mean mold is growing nearby. If the wall paint looks retouched in some place, some internal leak must have been covered-up recently. 

Watch out for cracks, which may show that the construction is poor.

Electrical Systems

Many first-time condo buyers make an error of judgment when it comes to electrical systems. Under the false idea that the condo maintenance fees would include all electrical repairs, they don’t bother checking for faults in the first place.

Don’t be misguided by such ideas. 

You should check that all electrical systems are up and running. Check the air conditioning, room heating system, water heating system, and any appliances that are pre-installed in the condo.

Also, run a check on the smoke detectors and the home security systems.

If possible, get a professional to inspect the electrical wiring too.

Furniture & Fittings

Inspecting furniture and fittings can be quite challenging. But if you skip this bit, you’ll end up spending for some or the other repairs out of pocket.

Check if anything seems defective – a broken drawer, a missing screw in the wardrobe hinge, a wobbly desk. You get my point, right?

These may seem like minor issues. But get a few such amends on the list, and you’ll find yourself occupied with repairs for the weekend.

So it’s better to bring these defects to your seller’s notice and ask him to make amends before you move in.

Plumbing & Water Pressure

Never overlook plumbing and water pressure issues at the time of condo inspection. These problems can be extremely bothersome and, at times, very difficult to fix too.

Check all the bathroom fixtures and faucets. Check the kitchen faucet and drainage. Let the water flow and see how long it takes to drain out. You’ll get to know if there’s a problem within minutes.

You can use a simple pressure gauge to check the water pressure level. Ideally, the pressure level should be around 50 psi (give or take a few units).

If you suspect the plumbing is not up to the mark, get a professional to check what’s causing the problem. Broken pipes or faulty drainage could be the deal-breaker.

Simple repairs can resolve minor faults like caulking gaps around the bathtub or kitchen sink.


Before you put your money into the deal, make sure the condo is perfect from every perspective. Don’t get carried away by how fancy the place looks. It might be staged to conceal major faults.

If you find any faults after the inspection, don’t hesitate to ask the seller to make repairs before you sign the purchase agreement.


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