Australian Real Estate – Commercial Builders Investment Tips on Designing a Business Property in Adelaide

Australian Real Estate - Commercial Builders Investment Tips on Designing a Business Property in Adelaide

Designing a commercial property is a lot different from creating a residential property. When you are going to open up a business property, you have to consider numerous factors such as the type of business you’re going to open, the tenants, the clients, and a lot more. Adelaide is one of the best places to open a business property in Australia because of its attractive location and a flourishing central business district.

If you’re planning to open a business property, here are some tips from commercial builders Adelaide themselves on the best design factors to be considered.

1. Create A List Of Your Needs

As the owner of the commercial building, you’ll undoubtedly have your own needs and preferences in mind. Hence, before you can even start with day one of construction plans, you must already have included in your planning process a list of your needs for your building. Remember that the purpose of your building in Adelaide is to earn an income, and not just for mere personal consumption, like a house. Hence, there’s a lot at stake for you to make your commercial building as perfect as it should.

Some of the factors that you might have in mind can include:

  • The layout.
  • The size of each commercial space.
  • The facilities that you’re going to offer.

2. Leave Space For Parking

Depending on the size of your business property and your location, before your building permit is approved, most city regulations require a parking space for a certain number of cars. To be sure, your building contractor can double-check this with the local authorities. Whether it’s required or not, it’s still to your advantage to provide ample parking space.

A lot of tenants and even customers get discouraged from going to a business property that doesn’t provide enough parking space, as it can be a hassle to find another parking space. You wouldn’t want to lose customers over another building that has a better parking facility, simply because you chose not to provide one for your business.

3. Create A Design Focus On Your Entrance

The entrance of a commercial property is the space shared among all tenants. This is where your main doors are and your lobby is as well. Think about your business property as a hotel, wherein the moment a client walks in your door, you have to make a good first impression. Your entrance should be enticing to your clients, as this will also provide them comfort. The happier and more comfortable your tenants are, the less likely they’ll leave. This results in a higher income.

Here are some tips for you to keep in mind when designing your main entrance:

  • Create a relaxing feel in your lobby by keeping the temperatures cool or warm enough.
  • Don’t be afraid to play with colors.
  • Have comfortable lounge chairs and couches for clients who are waiting at the lobby.

4. Choose The Best Windows And Doors

Especially in your main entryway, and in the commercial spaces that are on the sides of the building, the windows are an excellent avenue for you to maximize an elegant look on your business property. Plus, the right windows, with the right tinting or shades, can also be a unique design aspect to lower the electricity bill. 

Windows can provide excellent ventilation, which can eliminate the need for you to go full blast with lights during the daytime. Talk to your contractor about having floor-to-ceiling windows in areas where it’s possible to have it done.

5. Create The Right Lighting

In relation to the point mentioned above, the best compliment to go along with your windows is the right lighting. Hence, do make it a point to incorporate your lighting plans in the electrical drawing as well. 

Light is an excellent design point of your business property, especially in common areas like hallways, your lobby, your entrance, and even the exits. Depending on the mood and design scheme that you’re trying to go for, lighting can make or break the entire mood of your business property’s design.


Because you’re building a commercial property, it’s critical for you to ace the whole building and design process. For instance, with the exterior, first impressions count, and you’ll want your tenants to choose your building because it looks great on the outside. This is also good for their respective businesses. As to the interior, your tenants will need the right space, layout, and facilities for them to choose your business property to rent. 

With these tips in mind, you’re now one step ahead of your planning process for your dream business property in Adelaide.


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