10 Ways To Make Your Home Energy Efficient

10 Ways To Make Your Home Energy Efficient

There are many small things you can do to reduce the amount of energy your home uses each day. From conserving water to being conscious of your power use, making your home more energy efficient is easier than you may think. Below we will look at 10 different ways one can make small changes to help make their home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

1. Install A Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can help you save money on your energy bill by adjusting the temperature in your home based on your schedule. For example, if you know you’re not going to be home for a few hours, the thermostat can adjust to save energy.

2. Wash Your Clothes In Cold Water

Cold water is much more energy-efficient than hot water, so wash your clothes in cold water as often as you can. Washing in cold water helps reduce the amount of energy needed to heat the water, and it could also help save money on your energy bill.

In addition to saving on heating costs and using less power overall, you’ll also reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

3. Hang Dry Your Clothes

Hanging your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer is a great way to save energy. Not only does it save you money on your electricity bill, but it also prolongs the life of your clothes.

Even if you don’t live in an area that enjoys mild temperatures year-round, you can still hang clothes to dry in the laundry room or basement.

4. Take Shorter Showers

Shortening your shower by just a few minutes can save a lot of energy and water over the course of a year. If every household took shorter showers, it would save billions of gallons of water each year.

You can also try taking cooler showers. Not only will you likely want to take a shorter shower, but cold or cool water is also great for your skin and hair!

5. Install A Rain Barrell

A rain barrel is a great way to collect and store rainwater for later use. Not only does it help you save water, but it can also help you save money on your water bill.

Rain barrels are easy to install and can be purchased at most hardware stores. They are a great way to eliminate excess water usage and can be used to water plants, gardens, and grass.

6. Replace Your Light Bulbs

It’s no secret that traditional light bulbs use a lot of energy. In fact, they use so much energy that the US Department of Energy recommends replacing them with more energy-efficient bulbs.

Switching to LED or CFL light bulbs is an easy way to reduce your home’s energy usage and save money on your electric bill. LED bulbs last longer and use less energy than CFL bulbs, so they are a great option if you’re looking to make the switch.

7. Unplug Electronic Devices When Not In Use

Even when devices such as TVs, computers, and phones are turned off, they can still use a lot of energy. This is known as “standby power” and it can account for up to 10% of your home’s energy use.

To reduce your home’s standby power consumption, unplug devices when they are not in use. You can also plug electronics into a power strip and then turn off the strip when they are not in use.

8. Reinsulate Your Home

Energy efficiency is important for homes. The insulation in a home can affect how much energy it uses, which will save you money on your electric bill.

Redoing the insulation in your home can be an expensive project, but it’s worth the cost if you want to help reduce your carbon footprint and save some cash! There are many different types of insulation, so be sure to consult a professional before starting any project.

9. Upgrade Your Appliances

Replacing old, energy-inefficient appliances with newer models is a great way to reduce your home’s energy consumption. Newer appliances are more efficient and use less power than older models.

If you’re in the market for a new appliance, be sure to look for the Energy Star label. Appliances that have the Energy Star label have been certified as energy-efficient and will help you save money on your energy bill.

10. Replace Drafty Windows and Doors

Drafty windows and doors can be a major source of energy loss in your home. Replacing them with newer, more energy-efficient models is an easy way to reduce your home’s energy consumption by keeping the heat in during the winter and the heat out during the summer!

There are many ways that homeowners can reduce their home’s carbon footprint, many of which require little effort and not much money. By implementing some or all of the tips we’ve provided in this article, you can help make your home more energy-efficient and save money on your monthly electric bill.


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